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Civil Engineering

Resources for research in civil engineering

Background Information

Finding Books in O'Malley Library

Searching Tips:

  • If you want to search by author, title, subject, etc., you can choose one of those options from the drop-down menu on the above left.
  • Entering two or more keywords will increase the specificity of your results.
  • If your search retrieves too few or no results, try using synonyms and different combinations of keywords.
  • To search for a phrase, use quotation marks

Finding Books - Engineering

In order to find books, search the library catalog or Discovery Search. The catalog also contains records for ebooks, DVDs, videos, government documents,  and teaching materials.

You may also want to browse these call numbers on Floors 2, 3, and 4 of the Library:

G Geography
70.4 Remote sensing
GB Physical Geography
400-649 Geomorphology 
651-2998 Hydrology
GC Oceanography
Q Science
295 System Theory 
300-337 Cybernetics 
350-387 Information theory
QA Mathematics
75-76.9 Computer science 
800-939 Analytical mechanics

QB Astronomy
591 Lunar geology 
601 Planetary geology
QC Physics


QD Chemistry
505 Catalysis 
901-999 Crystallography
QE Geology

QH Biology
513 Bioengineering
QP Physiology
303 Biomechanics 
363 Neural networks
QR Microbiology
53 Biotechnology
R Medicine
850-895 Biomedical engineering

S Agriculture

590 Soil science
T General Technology
TA General and Civil Engineering


TC Hydraulic and Ocean Engineering
TD Environmental Technology
TE Highway Engineering 
TH Building Construction
TF Railroads

TG Bridge Engineering
TJ Mechanical Engineering 
TK Electrical Engineering
TL Motor Vehicles

500-777 Aeronautics 
787-4050 Astronautics
TN Mining Engineering, Metallurgy
TP Chemical Technology

1-156 Chemical engineering
TS Manufactures
155-193 Production management