If the O'Malley Library does not have what you are looking for, you can use Interlibrary Loan (ILL) to get books and periodical articles from other libraries. It can take up to two weeks to receive your material.
For books not in our catalog, if you use the "Request this from Interlibrary Loan" button on the book's page, then information about the item you want us to borrow will be transferred over to your ILL request.
For articles, if you use the "Request this from Interlibrary Loan" button for items where full text was not found in our collection, then information about the item you want us to borrow will be transferred over to your ILL request.
If you have a citation and want to find the full-text article, this is the easiest way to do so:
Here are some basic tips for reading (and understanding!) an academic article
Abstract (summary of the whole article)
Introduction (why they did the research)
Methodology (how they did the research)
Results (what happened)
Discussion (what the results mean)
Conclusion (what they learned)
References (whose research they read)