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Environmental Science

Core resources in environmental science

Background Information

Finding Books in O'Malley Library

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  • If you want to search by author, title, subject, etc., you can choose one of those options from the drop-down menu on the above left.
  • Entering two or more keywords will increase the specificity of your results.
  • If your search retrieves too few or no results, try using synonyms and different combinations of keywords.
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Finding Books - Environmental Science & Environmental Studies

GE1-350       Environmental sciences
Environmental education
Environmental policy
Environmentalism. Green movement
   Environmental management
       Agriculture (General)
SB     Plant Culture
SD     Forestry
SF     Animal Culture
SH    Aquaculture Fisheries Angling
GF1-900       Human ecology. Anthropogeography
GF51            Environmental influences on humans
GF75            Human influences on the environment
GF101-127   Settlements
GF125          Cities. Urban geography