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Peace and Justice Studies

Research Guide for Peace and Justice Studies

Background Information

Finding Books in O'Malley Library

Searching Tips:

  • If you want to search by author, title, subject, etc., you can choose one of those options from the drop-down menu on the above left.
  • Entering two or more keywords will increase the specificity of your results.
  • If your search retrieves too few or no results, try using synonyms and different combinations of keywords.
  • To search for a phrase, use quotation marks

Where to Find the Books

The below are only some of the labor studies subjects covered by books in the O'Malley Library. The books with call numbers beginning A-HD are on the fourth floor. Those with HE - PQ are on the 3rd floor. 

BJ1725 - Ethics of social groups, classes, etc. Professional ethics    BT83.57 Liberation Theology
HC - Economic History and conditions.
HD4801-8943 - Labor. Work. Working Class.
HM661-696 - Social Control
HM831-901 - Social Change
HN - Social History and conditions.Social problems. Social reform
HV - Social pathology. Social and public welfare. Criminology
HX - Socialism. Communism. Anarchism
JC - Political Theory. The state. Theories of the state.
JX - International Law
JZ1305-2060 - Scope of International Relations. Political Theory.Diplomacy
JZ4835-5490 - International Organizations and associations (including NGOs,IGOs)
JZ5511.2-6200 Promotion of Peace. Peaceful Change
JZ6360 - Non-military coercion
JZ6530 - Humanitarian aspects of war