Books and DVDs on reserve in the Library. Ask for them by title at the Circulation Desk. You can check them out for 2 hours, and the material must stay in the Library.
Primary Scholarly Resources
Use these sources to find original texts and images.
Searchable digital library of ancient texts and translations, maps, art catalogs, and essays on various topics related to Greek antiquity. By Tufts University. Parts of the Perseus image collections are restricted to the Tufts community.
Texts of English translations of primary sources in ancient history, including a large number of texts on Augustus and Augustan Rome. It also contains links to other sites containing texts and visuals.
Visual images, course materials, essays, reviews, bibliographies on the study of women and gender in the ancient world. By Ross Scaife and Suzanne Bonefas, University of Kentucky.
Pleiades is a community-built gazetteer and graph of ancient places. It publishes authoritative information about ancient places and spaces, providing unique services for finding, displaying, and reusing that information under open license.