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Citation Basics

Style guides, citation generators & research managers.

MC History Department Style Guide

The History Department's Style Guide for citations is below.

HIstory Department Style Guide Examples

Please check style guide PDF above for more information. There are many different kinds of sources that might be used in a history paper, and not all will be covered here, there is a much wider variety covered in the guide. Additionally, the style guide has more information on how notes and bibliography are to be formatted. These are intended to be looked at alongside the style guide not instead of it. 

Elements of the note for a book in the History Style Guide - Footnote or End note number. Author Firstname, Author Lastname, Title (Place of Publication: Publisher, Year), Page number.

Elements of the note for a Scholarly Article Found in a Database in the History Style Guide - Footnote or End note number. Author First Name Author Last name, Title of Article, Title of Journal Volume, and issue (Date of Publication): Page Number, Short URL (Access Date).

Elements of the bibliography for a Scholarly Article Found in a Database in the History Style Guide - Author Last name, Author First Name. Title of Article. Title of Journal Volume, and issue (Date of Publication): Page Range. Short URL (Access Date).

Elements of the note for a Document in a Source Reader in the History Style Guide - Footnote or End note number. Author of Document First Name Last Name, Title of Document in Title of Source Reader, Edition., ed. Editor of Source Reader First Name Last Name (Place of Publication: Publisher, Year of Source Reader). Page Range of Document.

Elements of the bibliography for a Document in a Source Reader in the History Style Guide - Author of Document Last name, First name. Title of Document in Title of Source Reader, ed. Editor of Source Reader First Name Last Name, Page Range of Document. Edition. Place of Publication: Publisher, Year of Source Reader.