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Counseling and Therapy


Online Education Background Sources

Encyclopedia of Educational Psychology, 2008Encyclopedia of Educational Psychology

Provides an overview and an explanation of the major topics in the field of educational psychology, including topics in categories such as human learning and development (across the life span), motivation, measurement and statistics, and curriculum and teaching.


Encyclopedia of Diversity in Education, 2012Encyclopedia of Diversity in Education

Presents research and statistics, case studies, and best practices, policies, and programs at pre-and postsecondary levels.

Encyclopedia of Educational Leadership and Administration, 2006Encyclopedia of Educational Leadership and Administration

Presents the most recent theories, research, terms, concepts, ideas, and histories on educational leadership and school administration as it is taught in preparation programs and practiced in schools and colleges today.




Wileyse2013    Encyclopedia of Special Education

Includes the latest information about new legislation and guidelines. In addition, this comprehensive resource features new biographies of important figures in special education, school psychology, and neuropsychology and reviews of new tests and curricula that have been developed since 1999.

Find more reference sources at Gale Virtual Reference Library and Credo Reference.

Online Counseling Background Sources

Encyclopedia of Counseling, 2008Encyclopedia of Counseling

Provides a comprehensive overview of the theories, models, techniques, and challenges involved in professional counseling. Entries cover all of the major theories, approaches, and contemporary issues in counseling.



21st Century Psychology, 200821st Century Psychology

Highlights the most important topics, issues, questions, and debates in the field of psychology. Provides material of interest for students from all corners of psychological studies, whether their interests be in the biological, cognitive, developmental, social, or clinical arenas.


Find more reference sources at Gale Virtual Reference Library.