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Counseling and Therapy


Suggest an Item for Purchase

The O'Malley Library purchases items -- print books, ebooks, DVDs, manuals, etc., -- for students and faculty. Sometimes
the library purchases individual articles based on the need and availability.
  • All requests need to be approved by the library administration. 
  • Purchases depend on the budgetary constraints.
  • To recommend an item for purchase, please complete the PURCHASE REQUEST FORM.
  • You will be notified of the library's decision.

Interlibrary Loan Requests

The O'Malley Library offers all members of the Manhattan University community interlibrary loan (ILL) servicesYou can request books (print), book chapters (scanned as pdfs), and articles through interlibrary loan (ILL).  All members of the Manhattan University community have ILL accounts that are self-managed. 

  • Use Discovery to search for items.  Then click the link, REQUEST IT, through Interlibrary Loan (ILL).
  • Use Worldcat (below the Discovery search box) to search for itemsClick on the link, REQUEST IT. Follow the prompts to your ILL account.
  • Create a new request using the online form in your ILL accountVisit the ILL portal web page.
  • Log in to your ILL account with your Jaspernet credentials.