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Critical Race & Ethnic Studies

Research Guide for critical race & ethnic studies

APA Online

MLA Online

ASA Online

ASA Basics

Examples of the most frequently used kinds of bibliographic citations in ASA: Books and Journal Articles. For other kinds of papers, electronic sources, or chapters within books, please see the ASA style guide referred to elsewhere on this page. 

an example of a book citation in ASA

an example of an article citation in ASA


Reference Managers

Both of these reference managers are free, and both support ASA style.

  • Mendeley
    A free reference manager and academic social network. Users can automatically generate bliographies, collaborate with other researchers online, import papers from other research software, find relevant papers, access papers from anywhere online, and read papers on the go with iPhone app.
  • Zotero
    Zotero is a free, open source utility that works in your browser to help users collect, manage and cite sources. It was developed at George Mason University. Highly recommended.

Citation Generators

None of the free citation generators have ASA style, but you can use APA style and make the necessary changes.

  • BibMe
    BibMe is a free citation generator developed at Carnegie Mellon University that produces citations and bibliographies in APA, MLA, Chicago and Turabian styles. It has some features not found in other free citation generators, such as autofill and the ability to switch between citation styles.
  • Citation Machine
  • KnightCite
    KnightCite is a free site that automatically produce MLA, APA, or Chicago style citations for 25 types of sources.
    From the Hekman Library at Calvin College.