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Political Science

Research Guide for political science

APA Online

APA Basics

Examples of the most commonly used APA citation styles--books and journals.

A diagram of how to do a book citation in APA. It starts with the author name, last name first then initial. The year goes next in parenthesis concluded with a period. Next is the title in italics, with only a capital letter at the beginning, and a period at the end. Next is the place of publication followed by a colon, and then the Publisher followed by a period.


A diagram of how to do a citation for a journal article in APA, starting with the Author last name first, the year in parenthesis, separated from the article title by a period. The article title is in plain case, and only has capitalization at the beginning of sentences and for proper nouns. It ends with a period. The title of the journal is next in italics, followed by a comma then the volume number in italics, followed by a normal font issue number in parenthesis, then the page numbers followed by a period. The citation concludes with the doi


Chicago Online

Chicago Basics

Examples of the most frequently used kinds of citations in Chicago - Books and Articles. Please note this is how they will appear in your bibliography. For information on how to cite in-text please find out from your instructor if they want footnotes or in-text citations with the author and date, and then consult one of the links to style guides mentioned elsewhere on this page.


Diagram of a Chicago-style book citation. First the authors, last name first for first author, normal order for the second, then a period. Then the Title in italics ended with a period, then the place of publication, followed by a colon followed by the publisher name, then a comma then the year, ending with a period

A diagram of how to do a citation in a scholarly journal - First an author, then a period, then the title of the article in quotes with a period inside. Then the title of the journal in italics, then the volume number as a digit, then the issue number following no. then the year in parenthesis, followed by a colon and the page range as digits followed by a period.

Please note there may be different requirements for articles from databases.

Citing Government Sources

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